Expert Guest Post by: Dr. Ryan Neinstein

Bio Engineered Breast Augmentation: The Next Evolution in Breast Enhancement Surgery

“Breast Augmentation continues to be one of the most common aesthetic surgical procedures performed worldwide and is the most common procedure I perform in my aesthetic practice. There are over 300 000 procedures performed annually in the United States. Since 1997 there has been a 270% increase in the number of cosmetic procedures that are performed every year. With a significantly heightened interest in cosmetic procedures there is an increasing demand for more sophisticated surgical options.

The modern breast augmentation patient is well educated on the procedure and is typically looking for breast optimisation and enhancement and not just a simple augmentation of their current anatomy. They want an improved overall look of their breasts both in and out of clothes and do not want a “done” or “operated look”. Building on fat grafting principles from pioneers such as Dr. Sydney Coleman, Dr. Dan Del Vecchio, and Dr. Roger Khouri surgeons are now combining breast implants with fat.

The fundamental flaws in traditional breast augmentation with implants is that using large implants will eventually cause permanent undesirable tissue changes and that implants simply add volume and can not specifically target shape changes to a breast. We can now offer smaller breast implants to give a baseline volume increase and than we can perform liposuction and use fat from unwanted areas to sculpt the breast on top of the implant.

Women are frequently looking for a modest improvement in their cleavage area while still asking for a natural look. Previously the only way to add volume to the cleavage area was to use implants that are too big for the patient’s anatomy, as this would allow them to “bulge” into the cleavage area. Long term these implants will stretch tissues and potentially displace to an unwanted position.

With fat from the patients own body surgeons can now gently increase the volume of the breast with natural tissue in the cleavage area. The fat can be used to hide edges of the implant or preferentially add volume to the bottom of the breast to give it a less round appearance. This allows every breast augmentation to have the potential of being a very specialized tailored procedure.

 This procedure has some potential downsides, as it requires more surgical time and a slightly longer downtime given the liposuction. As well some of the fat may be re-absorbed by the body. Given the popularity of breast surgery it is clear fat transfer along with breast implants will be a growing trend breast surgery practices.”

Buka_-_Dr._Ryan_Neinstein_v3With kind thanks to Dr. Ryan Neinstein

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