photo: 3 days after treatmentIn my profession as a beauty coach and writer, I am always being asked about which fillers are really good, and I have always based my recommendations on personal experience, but more importantly on extensive patient feedback, and evidence based research.

Last week I had Allergan Juvederm Voluma injected, it’s the first time I had cosmetic fillers to my cheeks as I have always been extremely weary of ‘chipmunk cheek’ syndrome as it’s so affectionately termed in the aesthetic business), I have veered away from having fillers to my cheeks also for my own personal fear of looking ‘overdone’, something I am not a keen advocate of.

My cheeks were starting to look a little sunken, nature takes its course when we hit our 30’s and suddenly what was once, youthful, high and plump with ripe young collagen becomes slightly submerged and depressed (a tell tale sign of ‘real age’) in my case.

One artistic cosmetic doctor once gracefully pointed out over dinner that: ‘your cheeks would look fabulous with a little more volume’. I don’t have a problem looking my age at all, but I did start to notice that I was looking a little tired and ‘sunken’ and that tiredness was adding a couple of years on, ‘don’t worry’ the cosmetic doctor added, ‘you’re perfectly fixable’. (good to know).

The duration of my treatment was fairly fast, no more than 20 minutes, I can’t say it was totally painless, but the discomfort was certainly very bearable. The results were instant and where two flat cheeks sat previously, suddenly there were two small but perfectly round cheeks when I smiled. It was very nice to see, I admit. I love the results.

For those of you interested here is some more information about Juvederm VOLUMA.

What did I have?: Juvederm VOLUMA

What is it?: It is injectable hyaluronic acid volumiser.

What does it do?: This cosmetic facial filler recontours the face to restore volume to chin, cheeks, and cheekbones that have become hollow or thin due to weight loss or age-related facial fat loss.

When are the results visible?: Immediately after treatment, you should notice that your facial contours appear fuller and rounder, giving your face a softer, more youthful appearance.

What will you notice?: Depending on your course of dermal filler treatment you may notice a return of the soft, full cheeks, and firm, high cheekbones of youth, a refreshing re-volumisation of the face, and a marked return of the smooth jowls and jawline and the firm chin of youth,

How long will the results last?: The lifting effects of treatment with Juvederm VOLUMA have been shown to last up to 18 months!

What the experts say

Facial aesthetic expert Dr. Herve Raspaldo says:

An attractive face is characterised by smooth, round contours, high cheekbones, hollow jowls and a thin, well-defined jawline. These features together comprise the triangle of beauty or ‘heart of face’, with its base at the top and summit below. As we age, facial fat loss, gravity, and loss of the skin’s natural elasticity conspire to reverse this triangle’s composition, leading to a narrower, less youthful forehead and temple area, and a wider, heavier jawline.

Fortunately, Juvederm VOLUMA can restore the face’s balance and heart-shaped proportions, revolumising facial hollows and lost volume and recontouring the cheeks, cheekbones, and nose for a fuller, softer, more youthful appearance. Juvederm VOLUMA helps recapture the facial volume that age and weight loss can diminish. With Juvederm VOLUMA, an innovative injectable hyaluronic volumiser, you can enjoy a smoother more youthful appearance of your cheeks, cheekbones, and chin.

Note to my readers: I experienced Juvederm VOLUMA on a self financed basis, this product was not given to me on a complimentary basis it was fully paid for by my own means, expect to pay between 350 to 550 pounds for a similar treatment.

The views expressed within this blog are my own based on my own unique experience, remember everybody is different!. Always consult a fully qualified medical expert and preferably within CQC registered premises. Be safe.

Content: Some of the information reprinted here is with credit to:

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