Let’s face it the mouth is hardly the most beautiful aspect of our body, in fact I can’t think of many orifices situated on the human that were meant to be beautiful as much as they were meant to be functional.

There are an estimated 650 species of bacteria living in the oral cavity, with millions of microbes inhibiting the entire mouth.

In 1999, Stanford University revealed than the mouth actually contains more germs that they expected. Even though they had at the time of their study revealed 500 bacterial strains, they believed that this only represented a fraction of the bacteria living in the oral groove. The final count still cannot be established.

Whilst regular brushing and flossing is a habit and ritual that has been drilled into us incessantly, the tongue often goes neglected as part of our daily hygiene habit. That’s where tongue scrapers come in. These small plastic devices feature a curved edge designed to be placed on your tongue and dragged across the top to remove all the germs and bacteria that cause bad breath. It’s not a pretty sight to behold someone scraping their tongue, but then again, why would you want to witness it?, somethings are best left to be performed behind closed doors.

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Luckily I don’t have bad breath *breaths on palm of hand*, but I do talk in public a lot and have often wondered why celebrities have such amazing pink perfect flawless tonques, asides from having expensive cosmetic dentistry to perfect those pearly whites they also take extremely good care of their teeth and invest in a good tongue scraper, a habit I now confess I have adopted thanks to Amano who sent me one of their rather snazzy designer tongue scrapers.

photo copy 3I’m not trying to preach about anything here, I simply want to draw your attention to the fact that millions of bacteria live in our mouth causing all sorts of nasty inflictions to our teeth as well as our breath, that itself should be enough of a reason to warrant getting rid of those pesky blighters.

In the long term the more germs, plaque and bacteria removed from your mouth surely the longer your health and teeth will prevail.

For more information on snazzy tonque cleaners from Amano like mine, visit http://amanotonguecleanser.com/collections/tongue-cleansers

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