Yes ladies I am going to mention that dreaded word feared by us all cellulite!! there I said it!

Now that nastiness is out of the way let’s get on to how we tackle this orange peel monster once and for all.

There are the few lucky (and teenage) ones among us who I am sure can stop reading now but for the vast majority of us this age-old annoying problem is one we need to tackle NOW before we have to bare all in the next spontaneous heat wave or on our much-awaited summer holiday!

And the stats speak for themselves 95 per cent of us have some type of cellulite somewhere on our bodies and shock horror even skinny people can get it!

So how do we do blast it for good? That’s a million dollar question.

We all know a good varied, healthy diet and plenty of regular exercise (even walking counts which I am sure means shopping does too right?) will help towards the ultimate smooth skin we all crave and I have always sworn by dry all over body brushing, this is great as it definitely wakes you up of a morning as it gets the heart pumping wonderfully which in turn improves circulation which helps carry toxins and waste products out of the body quicker, The Body Shop do a great body brush for just 8 pounds. Regular daily brushing (always in the direction towards your heart of course!) will also increase fat dispersion BUT if like me you aren’t getting any younger and post-baby exercise isn’t always as regular as you’d like what else can be done to blitz those dimples quickly!

The quickest and probably most effective way is to try a laser treatment such as Cellulaze.

Now this is not the cheapest option but is probably the one treatment guaranteed to zap that puckering, Cellulaze must be carried out by a doctor, a numbing solution is applied to the skin, a laser fibre is threaded through a small tube and inserted into the affected area. The laser is used to level out bumps of fat, treat dimples by releasing the fibrous bands that pull down on your skin and the liquified fat (sorry too much information! I know) is gently pressed out, it also stimulates collagen production to help achieve that smooth look we all want.

So how does this work and how much will it cost us?

The science bods at Cynosure have developed a treatment called Cellulaze, the makers claim this treatment actually attacks the structure of cellulite so it tackles the problem at the root if you like. And only one treatment can solve most of your issues as it has been billed as the death of cellulite, big claims (unsubstantiated may I add) but with a price tag of up to 2,500 pounds, it better be good! but maybe if I counted up all the money I have shelled out for potions, lotions, gym membership I never used, power plate sessions and hip and thigh wraps over the years then maybe it’s not actually far off this figure but shhh don’t tell my other half that!!!

This is definitely a high-end, high price tag solution so what if we don’t have that kind of money available to us?

Another far more realistic option for most of us bargain-savvy girls is the new trend for magic leggings. Proskin-leggings have been praised on Twitter by the svelte Danni Minogue.

The leggings are an anti-cellulite ground-breaking range made from patented material which contains caffeine, retinol, vitamin E, aloe vera and fatty acids. These leggings can be worn during exercise or as daytime wear to promote circulation and lymphatic drainage which is a superhero version of dry body brushing that flushes fluid and toxins from the body. The caffeine is secreted into the skin which reduces fat nodes under the skin, smoothing the bumpy appearance of cellulite and improving overall tone, the retinol is a skin generator which stimulates collagen.

Proskins recommends you wear the garments 8 hours a day, for 28 days to gain maximum impact in the first week you can expect to relieve excess fluid in areas such as the calves and ankles and as the month goes on you should see smoother, firmer skin with a big promise of up a 2cm reduction of fat! Wow! Now if that is true the 45 pounds leggings are a bargain buy! The garments are available from Next online and

So for all you doubters out there I will be taking on the Proskins 28-day challenge and I will, honestly, let you know if my dimpled thighs actually become smooth goddess-like legs! I’ll keep you posted!

So what else is out there to solve our cellulite woes.

Budget buy: Avon’s Solutions Body Cellu-Sculpt Anti-cellulite body sculpting treatment usually 12 but now 6 at If used with regular exercise and drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily you should see an improvement within 28 days.

Pay day treat: Champneys Spa treatments Mineral Detox firming Thigh and Hip gel (10) from Boots this gel is enriched with seaweed extract and caffeine to help skin appear firmer and more toned.

Break the bank: Shiseido Advanced Body Creator Aromatic sculpting Gel (42) from Amazon?is a smooth non-sticky gel that refines and contours and the plant complex claims to activate fat breakdown.

Top tips

DIET: Focus on your diet and ensure you have plenty of lean protein, non-starchy vegetable and water and avoid sugars & starches

INCREASE BLOOD FLOW: To the affected area as this increases the ability to move released fat to distant sites to be burned. Increased blood flow also is wonderful at removing fluid from the area and essential for the health and strength of the collagen fibres, such as hot baths, saunas or dry skin brushing.

TAN IT UP: A slick of false tan will help us all feel more confident and can give the illusion of smoother, younger looking skin. I recently tried the all natural Australian brand U Little Beauty this is a luxurious self tanner which contains 100% organic ingredients, it gave me a deep, streak-free tan which also smelled amazing! I slathered it on and I have to say my hips and thighs looked the most beach ready they have in months! It costs (13.50) and it’s available from

FIRM THOSE MUSCLES: Weight training is the only form of exercise capable of strengthening muscle and tightening the connective tissues of the body and the only effective cellulite exercises. A lower body resistance-training programme is recommended a great one is Tara Hammet’s 21-Day Fatloss programme personal trainer and nutrition coach Tara can get you beach ready in just 21 days with an average loss of 7lbs and 10inches, I have done her programmes myself three times in fact and can’t tell you how good she is at zapping that fat! Visit

Now if you have tried ALL this and you’re still not confident enough to bare your bits this summer there is always one foolproof solution that has never let me down . . .

A kaftan!!!!

Guest blog by Emma Bryant @bbygrove


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