I was thrilled to be invited on Tuesday 8th September this week to host the launch of a new project called Kids Street World Cup.

Street World Cup Invite The launch took place at The Laurent Perrier Bar in The Cube, Birmingham with over 100 guests and press and media from the sporting world.

antonia mariconda hoists street world cup launchSome fantastic names and faces from the world of football and sporting including champion boxer David Haye, dropped in to support the event and the project is hailed to be a real success.

antonia mariconda david haye boxerUnderprivileged kids from around the world will be selected to form country groups and play against each other in a world cup style format.

antonia mariconda The winning teams will be flown to Quatar for quarter and semi finals. I am wishing the project great success and thank you to the lovely Directors who invited me to present the event.

antonia mariconda It was a real treat and pleasure to host something so valuable to the sporting community and something different from the industry I usually work within,

antonia mariconda

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