1017020_10151586850541608_344401130_nYOUR BLOGS: As a nutritionist I am a huge believer in what we put into our bodies reflects what we look like on the outside.  Try a daily vegetable juice high in Vitamin C, iron, fibre and antioxidants. My favourite which gives a fantastic glow and helps with anti aging to the skin as well as making you feel fantastic is; 1 carrot, half a beetroot (including stems and leaves), 2 sticks of celery, 1 green apple, 2 kale leaves, 2 silver beetroot leaves, and 1 small piece ginger, sometimes I add a few strawberries.  It is well worth investing in a good juicer that can juice leaf vegetables.  Within 2 weeks you will truly notice a difference.

with kind thanks to Jennifer Anderson

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