ImageNdYag Laser is a very safe option for hair removal and thread vein treatment in properly trained and experienced hands.  It has one of the longest possible wavelengths of lasers meaning that it has little or no effect on skin whilst going deep enough to create a good heat reaction with the colour in hair and veins it encounters under the skin for effective hair reduction and thread vein correction. The pulse width can also be adjusted to allow safe hair reduction of very dark hair on a fairly dark skin. Spot sizes go from 1mm to10mm in diameter so it is versatile dependent on hair/vein area, colour and depth.

Due to it having minimal reaction with the skin the sensation is like a fast hot pinprick, but this can be minimised with a cooling device as can skin reaction.

NdYag Laser can work better than IPL for veins and paler deeper dark hair plus it can be used very close to the lip, under the nose and eyebrows as a small 3mm spot size can target individual hairs in these difficult to treat areas.

How to ensure good safe treatment with NdYag?

Checklist of things to ask about and to be sure about before using a practitioner;

  • Experience is the key to safe, successful laser treatment!
  • Can you see training certificates and insurance?
  • How up to date is the Laser? Older machines can hurt more and be less refined and less effective even if they are regularly maintained.
  • Who is the manufacturer? You can then google them to check out their experience in the field. Beware of Lasers from the Far East! I get emails every day offering me cheap Lasers etc! How can they offer training, servicing etc.

 Have all operators undergone a Laser Safety Training Course or NVQ4?

At consultation you should firstly read a client guide, fill out an extensive questionnaire on the record card, then have the treatment fully explained verbally, plus explanations of hair growth cycles, treatment expectations and the cost. Then be given protective goggles to wear and have a patch test done. You should wait at least a week before having a full treatment but for hair removal ideally 2 weeks later to see if treated hairs are falling out which would indicate correct settings have been used.

Ask if the same operator will treat you at every session, it helps a lot and thoroughness is so important for good results.Facial hair removal treatments need to be done no longer than 4 weeks apart to treat the hair at it’s ‘live’ stage and body hair only every 8 weeks as it has a longer ‘live’ stage these timings are key to successful cost effective treatment.

Use your instincts you should be treated with understanding and empathy it’s important to feel that the operator wants to get results for you!

Lastly and sadly no one can ever get rid of every hair for you with Laser or IPL!

With kindest thanks to Alice Bellamy

Alice Bellamy
Director and Head Therapist
Woman to Woman & The Male Perspective Ltd.

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