twitter picAfter having tried virtually all of the high end over the counter skincare product ranges over the years and being disappointed with the results, in desperation last year I turned to a dermatologist for help as a stressful few years had taken its’ toll on my face. After a consultation, my therapist Danielle explained to me why my over the counter products hadn’t worked –  they don’t have FDA clinically approved research to back them up and the potency of the ingredients in them was not enough to make a difference and penetrate deep into the dermal layer of the skin to really make a difference. whereas by visiting a reputable dermatologist, you would be getting potent ingredients that actively made a difference to your skin. At first, I was sceptical, but since the price point was no more than my usual creams and potions, I figured I had nothing to lose. A year later, I haven’t looked back. My skin has improved immeasurably; in terms of firmness, clarity, fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation – this range addressed the whole lot and prevented the need for me to seek further more invasive treatments such as botox or fillers. Jan Marini skin products available from Epsom Skin Clinics, I’m 42 and I have never felt more confident about my skin and that is all thanks to Danielle introducing me to Jan Marini skincare.
My Number One Beauty Tip
Do use a sunscreen!  A lot of people think that by wearing an SPF in your foundation or face cream  you will get enough coverage but you won’t –  many don’t know that you need a teaspoon of sunscreen to cover the face and neck and décolletage for proper coverage. A SPF 30 will block out 93% of UVA and UVB rays, and an SPF 50 will block out 97%.
With kind thanks for the guest blog from Amanda Strutton
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