30th January 2014, Paris: IMCAS annual international meeting in Paris is definitely one of the highlights in the aesthetics calendar and an event not to be missed. From new products to new techniques, it is one event where aesthetics experts from all over the world come together to share their knowledge and experiences (both good and bad) to bring the best practise to patients.

This year’s IMCAS was the biggest yet. It is clear from this year’s event that the world is moving away from ‘wrinkle chasing’ and the hot topic right now is overall aesthetics balance and prevention of ageing. Out with the tradition is over-correction; relative restoration of youth, with management of patient’s expectations is the new direction. I have summarised for you all the highlights of this important meeting.

Outstanding sessions:

New trends in drug delivery and update on cosmeceutics – this session spoke about key ingredients of skincare products and the delivery of vitamins to the skin, as well as the side effects of over-exposing your skin to topical vitamins.

Practical anatomy on cadaver – this was a 2-in-1 demonstration; a live demonstration of various injection techniques with dermal fillers on live patients, as well as demonstrations of the exact procedures being done on a cadaver to show the depth and plane of injection.

Toxins: what’s hot? This session did exactly what the title suggested. We had speakers from different continents discussing the uses of toxins on different ethnic groups.

Outstanding product/booth:

Silhouette Soft – I really believe in proper education and training when it comes to aesthetics, and for that reason, I am so proud to be using Silhouette Soft. Of all the exhibitors at IMCAS, Silhouette Soft was the only booth you could walk away from with knowledge in your hands, literally; all visitors (even if you’re not using their product) were given an extremely educational DVD on new techniques of thread lifting. This is what I call a company dedicated to the industry. It was refreshing to see, for once, it wasn’t just about sales and this move by Silhouette Soft is exemplary.

The next big thing(s):

ThermiRF – Another way of reducing wrinkles without toxins! This device uses radio frequency nerve ablation for reducing wrinkles and tightening loose skin in the lower face and neck amongst many other exciting indications. The biggest distinction between this device and previously available treatments is that instead of delivering the energy through the skin, the radio frequency energy is delivered directly under the skin.

MiraDry – Sweat no more! This device works by delivering precisely controlled electromagnetic energy to the underarm area, eliminating the underarm sweat glands. With just 2 sessions (3 months apart), MiraDry delivers lasting results in a non-invasive way.

doctor-wongNews Blog with kind thanks to Dr. Vincent Wong exclusive to The Cosmedic Coach

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